
What is Re:Dragonica ?

Re:Dragonica is a new take on your favorite childhood game, it is the first-ever modernized Dragonica server , most of the changes were focused on the player experience first. Therefore we decided to change various things within Dragonica, our development team has been working very hard to rebuild Dragonica from the ground in order to produce breathtaking visuals as well as improving performance massively. Besides graphics, Re:Dragonica is also packed with new features, quality-of-life improvements, translation improvements, and gameplay changes which we will go through most of them on this page, firstly, let’s talk about graphics enhancements !

Post Processing effects

Thanks to the rework in the file loading system and AI assistance, Re:Dragonica is offering outstanding graphics with never seen before ultra detailed textures, we often say that a picture is worth thousands words, so here it is, take a look !

Post Processing effects

New post processing effects were added too, such as bloom, antialiasing, depth of field and more, here is again a picture to show the difference between post-processing being toggled on and off.

Day and night cycle

We also added day and night cycle, here’s a picture of Odellia showing all four day settings.

New particles

Many spells will now show a particle upon hitting an ennemy

Balanced PvP mode

We all know how unfair can be the Dragonica PvP due to gear difference, level difference and class difference, that’s why we decided to create the first ever balanced PvP system, all you need is a class at level 20 with the first job change quest completed, once done you will unlock a new skill tree that works exclusively in PvP with balanced mode enabled.

Balanced PvP mode

As you might have noticed, a level 20 character can learn a level 45 skill without ever doing the second job change in the PvP skill tree, besides the fact that a level 20 player can learn any skill, he will also be rewarded 1600 skill points following the first job change. Obivously you won’t be rewarded any additionnal skill point by levelling up or by using the scroll that rewards skill point from hunter G daily missions.

If you were wondering about monster cards that can improve skill beyond the level 5 then feel assured, in the PvP skill tree the skill that are level 6 or more cannot be learned. Finally, character stats in balanced PvP mode are normalized, meaning that even if you have better gear than your opponent, you will still deal as much damage as he does and have as much HP than him.

Market Rework

We’re obviously aware that not everyone enjoy PvP in Dragonica, to those of you, rejoice, we do have some new neat feature for you, one of them being the rework of the Auction / Market. First of all, search sort filters were added, you can FINALLY sort results by price or popularity (popularity being the default sort filter used).

Market Rework

Furthermore, cash items and pet filters were added so you can look for a specific item piece / pet / egg more easily now.

Some of you might have noticed on the screens already, but if you didn’t take a look at the limit of the items per page, it was indeed changed from 10 to 50 so you can search for an item more efficiently now.

Finally, the button that retrieve the gold from the sold items will now retrieve all gold automatically instead of forcing you to click item per item.

Costume Tab

We all know the struggle of loving a costume set with terrible stats, forcing you to either drop on your look or character stats. :(

No more of this thanks to the new costume tab !

Costume tab is a new addition that allows you to put any cash item on top of the other ones, obviously this serves no gameplay purpose and you will not earn any stat by doing so, but you will look cool while doing massive damages !

2 pages inventory

Farming can be a bit of a pain when you need to sell your item every two missions completed, that’s why we added a new 2 pages inventory system that doubles your inventory size, inventory expansion can either be bought or be unlocked through gameplays, you will get one inventory expander every job change quest.

Daily quests

Daily quests will give you rewards that can be traded against many ressources which will help you tremendously during your time in Dragotaka, experience provided by daily quests was revised upward.

And to finish, you can now get your monster cards that improves your skills above the level 5 from the NPC Andre in exchange of Monster Card coins that are rewarded by completing Andre’s daily missions.

Heroic and normal quests

Heroic and normal quests from level 40 and above will reward you with respectively 2 and 1 « Old Coin » which can be traded to Adelio the bounty hunter for many useful items, so make sure to do as many quests as possible !

New Spells

New spells is something that might interests as much PvE players than PvP ones, so we decided to create some new spell to fill gaps in the gameplay for some classes that didn’t felt quite right to play or not fun, more than ten new spells were added to the game.

New Spells

New spells is something that might interests as much PvE players than PvP ones, so we decided to create some new spell to fill gaps in the gameplay for some classes that didn’t felt quite right to play or not fun, more than ten new spells were added to the game.

Reworked spells

Some spells weren’t good enough or interesting enough to become viable just through values changes therefore some spells were reworked into something new and more usable and fun, for instance the « Bloody Roar » for « Myrmidon » was changed so it wouldn’t decrease player’s HP below 25% or another example would be the possibility to input a direction to throw the « Sonic Boom » projectile for the « Rogue » class, anyways more than 20 spells were reworked and we hope you will enjoy these as much as we enjoyed making them :)

Balance changes

Pretty much every spell in the game has been changed, the effect remains the same but damage might be increased, cooldown might be increased (or rarely decreased), usually those are buffs but in some cases some classes were nerfed such as the « Sword Dance » for the warrior where the spell won’t damage the ennemy if the sword projectile doesn’t collide with him.

This balance change was done in order to make every class viable for PvP and PvE content, so feel free to choose the class that you like and be assured that it will be as good as another class.

New dash chain combos

New chain combos were added to the warrior class, 4 for « Knight » and 3 for « Gladiator », since these classes already posses chain combo, we decided to make it so you can only start them after a dash attack, that’s why they are called that way.

New dash chain combos

New chain combos were added to the warrior class, 4 for « Knight » and 3 for « Gladiator », since these classes already posses chain combo, we decided to make it so you can only start them after a dash attack, that’s why they are called that way.

Dash system « rework »

Have you heard about the snake dash ?

If not, please watch the video below that explains it very well.

Some of you are probably short in time, so we will briefly explain it, when you’re dashing and pressing other arrow keys, other players will see you « shaking » when you were actually just going in a straight line, it does cause some issues in PvP as a spell might not hit your opponent as intended, some might argue that it is skilled which is true, but we felt that this mechanic could be abused by pro PvP players and make lower skilled players feel bad and think that the game is unfair, therefore we removed it (well, more like fixed it since it’s a bug originally...) and added two new dash mechanics.

Introducing the « wave dash », when mid-air, use the dash action right before hitting the ground, the closer you were to the ground the further you will slide, while in that slide state you can use any spell and travel some distance, please take a look in the video below so you can see it more clearly.

Dash system « rework »

The second mechanic added is the « ultra wave dash », to use it you must press the jump button within the next 5 frames (at 60 frames per second), when done properly your character will jump do a jump dash that moves even further than the standard one.


Melting is a newly added mechanic that works like disassembling but instead of giving you souls, melting will reward you with armor / weapon enchant dust, the higher level the item is, the more dust given.

UI Changes

As you might have noticed on the previous screens, most of the user interface was redesigned and sometimes with newly added features

We all know of frustrating it is to bind all your spell in your skill bar as a Dragoon, therefore we added 4 more slots, hopefully this change can make playing that class a bit more comfortable

Casting bar also was redesigned, it now shows the spell being cast and the time remaining before it gets cast.

UI Changes

Stun and Freeze duration is shown with a bar on top of the head of the affected foe, making it easier to time your combo in PvP mode :)

Fozen duration

Stun duration

UI Changes

Summoned entities will also show the remaining time before they disappear, a bit like the « Pathfinder » mines’ but for every classes / summoned entities

Remaining summon time

Remaining summon time

UI Changes

Mission and dungeons were redesigned in order to show more efficiently key informations without taking more space !

Mission UI

Dungeon UI

In addition to the 4 new slots, skillbar was also changed in order to make the cooldown more detailed and visible.

UI Changes

Disassemble menu designs now looks like the melting one and is now showing what item is currently being disassembled.

The boss HP bar was also redesigned and is using a smart multi bar scaling to make it easier to read damage dealt.

Quality of life improvements

First, let’s talk about the missions, the number one area for gold farming, the mission start time was removed so you can start a mission without wasting 5 seconds, besides this, the delay before « mission success » screen shows once you killed the boss was also removed, due to that change, you can now move while the reward screen is being shown off, long gone are the days of the hidden scrolls disappearing because you couldn’t move fast enough to grab it. ^_^

Still related to the missions (and dungeons), the camera won’t be zooming a monster whenever it enters fury mode, it won’t make the game run in slowmotion and most importantly, the boss will no longer be invulnerable while transiting to fury mode.

Left click on a player message menu was also changed, it offers 3 new features, first one being open shop which as the name implies, will open the market of that player.

Send mail will just open the mail menu with the player name prefilled, and send large mail will do the same thing but with large mail.

We know the pain of using a magician and having to press X manually, this not only cause a strain to your hand but also to your keyboard, therefore we decided to add a fast-x option that you can find in your skill tree in chain combo tab, toggling it on will makes the X attacks automatic.

Quality of life improvements

Daily quests can be a bit of pain to complete somedays, therefore we made it so you can enjoy them as much as possible, that’s why you can now take 3 daily quests at once instead of one

Besides that, you can also take daily quests from anywhere by opening your quest journal, a new tab was added that contains all your daily quests making it easier than ever before !

Quality of life improvements

Any pet can grab much further and a lot more even if they don’t have « This is Mine! » passive skill.

Quality of life improvements

Any pet can grab much further and a lot more even if they don’t have « This is Mine! » passive skill.

PVP Improvements

Obviously, we wouldn’t make a balanced mode for PvP if it wasn’t for much more content added in PvP mode, first, we redesigned the room creation menu entirely, featuring more option than ever before and also 9 newly added maps :

PVP Improvements

The user interface was also changed with a more modern one.

PVP Improvements

Finally, many major PvP bugs were fixed, yes, even the infamous ninja transformation bug that makes any PvP against « Ninja » unbearable due to the massive amount of lags produced was fixed Most of « out of syncs » situations that were caused by many spells such as « Judge Dread », « Wrath of Earth », « Seven », « Tornado » ... where you would see your opponent thrown in the air right away whereas your opponent would see it much later are also fixed.

Other sync issues where you would see your opponent teleport after using a spell if he held a direction key without inputing a new direction until he touched the ground, here’s some example of skills that were fixed « Seven », « Tesla Coil », « Meteor Fall », « Upper Screwdriver » etc.

Fishing claws and the Wire Action usually made your ennemy invulnerable once caught for seemingly no reason, this bug is now fixed and you can properly hit your targets even if stunned.

Lastly, the bug where you would see your opponent frozen, stunned or electrified at the start of a new PvP round is also fixed.


Fighting with bare hands is now possible !


Over 100 chat colors to pick from were added.


An animation was added when your character would stand up after an animation, check the video below for some examples.


Players’ health bar is green while monsters one remains red


More options are available at character creation for haircut, hair colors and faces !


Many models that were removed on the chapter 1 were added back, here’s a glimpse of the changes. =)

Many models that were removed on the chapter 1 were added back, here’s a glimpse of the changes. =)

Changed arrows

Changed arrows

Damage received is now shown in red, and dealt damage in PvP is shown in orange, just like PvE mode.