

A place where you can find more information about Re:Dragonica



Terms and Conditions of Use


Article no. 1 : OVERVIEW OF THE TOU

1.1 These Terms of Use (hereinafter "ToU" or the "Agreement") set forth the terms of use for the services provided by NullByte (Anass EZZAAMARI) registred under number 47 899 985 and located at 5 rue emile lecrivain, 31400 TOULOUSE (FRANCE).

1.2 These services include, among others, access (i) to the Dragonica game published by Gravity (hereinafter the "Game" or the "Games"), .

To access certain Games and the Launcher, the Company will ask you to download and install software on your device (hereinafter the "Client" or the "Clients"). The ToU also apply to the use of these Clients.

The Game, the website, the client are collectively referred to as the "Services".

1.3 When you use our Services, We may ask you to provide us with personal data. For full information on how we process such personal information, please read our Privacy Policy carefully; it can be found at the following link: .

1.4 In this way, the ToU determine the contractual framework of relations between the user of the Services (hereinafter "You") and Re:Dragonica.


2.1 You acknowledge that you are an individual who has reached the age of majority in your country of habitual residence or, if you are a minor and the law of your country of habitual residence demands it, have obtained permission from your legal representative (parent or guardian) to create an Account and/or to access the Services. You also acknowledge that you are capable of entering into a valid contract in accordance with the law, case law or the customs of your country of habitual residence.

If you live in the United States and are under 13 years of age, CAUTION! You may not create an Account and access the Services. If you are aged between 13 and 18 years, then you must obtain consent from your legal representative (parent or guardian).

2.2 Any use of the Services which is not in accordance with the TOU is prohibited and may lead to the termination thereof, in accordance with the terms set forth in Article 14 hereinafter.

2.3 Acceptance of the TOU is established by your electronic signature, manifest by your having checked the box provided for this purpose or by your having clicked on the TOU acceptance button or on the button allowing you to finish creating your Account. This acceptance is required to create an Account and/or use the Services and/or download the Games. If you disagree with these provisions, you must not check the box or click on the TOU acceptance button. In the event that the TOU are updated, you will be asked to mark your agreement by filling a check box or clicking on a TOU acceptance button, failing which you may no longer access the Services.

Article no. 3 : ACCESS

3.1 As the Services are offered online, you must have an Internet connection to access them. Any telephone connection and Internet access costs are your responsibility. Re:Dragonica is not liable for any damages you may incur as a result of using an Internet connection or installing malware on your computer or mobile device.

3.2 Certain Services may be accessed via mobile device. "Mobile device" is understood as any portable device capable of connecting to the Internet to access said Services (cellphones, touchscreen tablets, personal digital assistants, etc.). You acknowledge that the quality of the Services, the response time or the access to certain features may depend on the capabilities of your mobile device or electronic communications network. You acknowledge that the Services offered by Re:Dragonica on mobile devices may not be available on all mobile devices.

3.3 Re:Dragonica only grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and use the Services and their content. This license is subject to compliance with the rules set out in the ToU.

3.4 To access the Services and/or all of the features of the Services, the Company may ask you to create an account (hereinafter the "Account"). You can create an Account by using the inserts provided for this purpose on this website (hereinafter the "Websites"), which can be found under the "Create an account," "Register,"  section.

Article no. 4 : ACCOUNT CREATION

4.1 Characteristics

4.1.1 To create an Account, you must be an individual who has reached the age of majority in your country of habitual residence or, if you are a minor and the law of your country of habitual residence so requires, you must have obtained permission from your legal representative (parent or guardian), and you must, in any case, have the legal capacity to enter into an agreement with the Company.

4.1.2 The Account is a user account provided to you by means of a login ID (account name or email address, depending on your Account's creation date) and a password.

4.1.3 The Account remains the property of the Company. You are only granted a right to access the Services by means of the Account provided to you.

4.1.4 To create an Account, you must enter the following information:

  • email address;
  • password;
  • date of birth;
  • first and last names.

Depending on the laws in force in your country of habitual residence, the Company may ask you to provide the email address of your legal representative (parent or guardian) in order for them to provide their consent for the creation of your Account.

An email address may only be used as a login ID for one Account.

When you first access the Services, you will be asked to enter a nickname.

Re:Dragonica reserves the right to limit the number of Accounts that can be created from the same IP address in a given period.

4.1.5 Account and personal information can only be managed at  (hereinafter "Account Management").

4.1.6 The login ID (account name or email address) and password allow you to access the Services. The email address allows us to communicate with you regarding the management and tracking of your Account and to send you information about the Services.

4.1.7 The Account must abide by at least the following basic rules:

  • The personal information must be accurate, verifiable, complete, and current. A valid personal email address must be provided.
  • You agree not to use proxy servers or virtual private networks (VPNs) to create the Account or to log in to the Account.
  • Creating an Account in an automated manner and/or using a false or fraudulent identity is strictly prohibited.

4.1.8 When you make your first payment on our Websites or on the Launcher, you will be asked to provide your billing and/or delivery mailing address. 

If there is any change to your information, you must update it in Account Management or by contacting Support as soon as possible.

4.2 Rules for account creation

4.2.1 The login ID (account name or email address, depending on your Account's creation date) is not visible to other users.

The nickname is different from the account name and is visible on the redragonica website and in game. Other users know the Account holder by their nickname. The nickname identifies you as a person. In certain Games, the character's name is complementary to the nickname. It is visible to other users. The character name corresponds to the role you play in the game. The guild name and the team name are visible in-game to other players.

4.2.2 The account name, nickname, character names, guild names, and team names must abide by certain basic rules. In particular, it is required that each such name:

  • be a pronounceable word (for example, the word ssdfzxjf does not abide by this rule);
  • not be offensive, inappropriate, or improper;
  • not refer to a political orientation, ethnicity, community, or religion;
  • not be vulgar or insulting;
  • not have a sexual or pornographic connotation;
  • not contain your first and/or last name;
  • not resemble or imitate a registered trademark or a term protected by copyright;
  • not promote a commercial service;
  • not refer to a narcotic product or any other entity prohibited by law;
  • not resemble or imitate the names of major elements of the Company's creations (non-playable characters, heroes from the story, iconic locations, dungeon bosses, etc.);
  • not resemble or imitate the name of a moderator, game master, or employee of the Company;
  • not be spelled differently in order to circumvent the above rules; and
  • not combine your first and last name, which together would violate the above rules.

Determinations regarding compliance or non-compliance with these rules (including determinations regarding the resemblance between an account name, nickname, character name, guild name, team name, and any another term) are at the Company's sole discretion.

4.3 Responsibility/Security

4.3.1 Security

To guarantee the security of your Account and prevent account theft (commonly referred to as "account hacking"), you agree that:

  • You will not give access to your Account to third parties. Loaning, sharing, exchanging, gifting, purchasing, transferring, and selling Accounts (or attempting to do so) is prohibited. The Company is not responsible for any account loaning, sharing, exchanging, gifting, purchase, transfer, or sale, and any such actions may lead to sanctions as provided for in Article 10 of the ToU.
  • You will take all measures necessary to prevent third parties from accessing the Account you have activated, even without your knowledge.
  • You will not play on a third party's Account.
  • You will not disclose your login details, i.e. the account name, password, and secret answer.
  • You will use a personal email inbox and will not share this email.
  • You will allow Re:Dragonica to easily contact you for any reason via your email address.

4.3.2 Responsibility The security of your Account is solely your responsibility, and Re:Dragonica cannot be held liable for any harm caused to your Account, your computer, or your mobile device as a result of the login details for your Account being lost or shared. Re:Dragonica may in no way be held responsible in the event that your Account is stolen or compromised in any way. You further acknowledge that you are presumed to be the user of your Account and are responsible for the actions taken through your Account and on your Account. You acknowledge that you, and not Re:Dragonica, are responsible for any electronic communications and content sent from your computer or mobile device, and that you will only use the Services in accordance with the law and the ToU.

Article no. 5 : GAMES

5.1 License

Subject to compliance with all provisions of the ToU, the Company grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license allowing you to access and use the Games, and to download, install, and use the Clients for your personal, non-commercial use. You acknowledge that the use of connection techniques other than those provided by Re:Dragonica or its partners to access the Games is prohibited.

Client-specific conditions: Re:Dragonica authorizes you to install the Clients on any device of which you are the owner or for which you have the right to install software programs and save the present files for backup purposes.

5.2 Licensing restrictions

The license granted to you is subject to certain restrictions. Any use of the Games and/or the Clients in violation of the rules of Article 5.2 shall be considered an infringement of the Company's copyrights.

5.2.1 You acknowledge that any reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation, or modification of, or any alteration to all or part of, the Clients or Games is strictly prohibited, except as expressly permitted by Re:Dragonica or by current law.

5.2.2 You are prohibited from modifying the Games or Clients (except for installing updates). You are prohibited from modifying or causing to be modified any file constituting a part of the Games or Clients without the Company's express authorization, and you are prohibited from creating works derived from the Games.

5.2.3 You are prohibited from using or creating pirate servers, proxies, virtual private networks (VPNs), emulators, or any other similar element to log in to the Games. To log in to the Games, you must use only the tools and means offered and accepted by Re:Dragonica.

5.2.4 You may not use the Clients to develop any software programs.

5.2.5 You are prohibited from creating, using, or promoting any program or tool that might harm the Games or the Clients, alter the experience of the Games, or circumvent the rules of the Games, including but not limited to bots, viruses, Trojan horses, piracy tools, cheats, automation software, modification software, software allowing mouse clicks to be automated (commonly known as "auto-clickers"), or other unauthorized software intended to modify the Games or the Clients. Furthermore, you may not circumvent or attempt to circumvent, in any way whatsoever, any technical measures implemented by Re:Dragonica or any third party to protect, control, or restrict access to the Games or the Clients, or to prevent unauthorized use of the Games and the Clients.

Re:Dragonica may monitor how its Games and the Launcher are used, both on its servers and on your computer, in order to prevent cheating and apply the corresponding sanctions. In this context, the Clients may contain features designed to detect the use of programs and tools that are not authorized herein and that run concurrently with a Game on your computer.

5.2.6 You agree not to spy on or intercept the communication protocols used by the Company, and not to use data or protocol interceptors. Thus, for example, you may not emulate these protocols, retrieve data via packet sniffing, or transfer these protocols and their data to another protocol (tunneling).

5.2.7 You may not sell all or part of the Clients or the files accompanying them. In general, you agree not to use or operate the Clients or the Games for commercial purposes.

5.2.8 You agree not to distribute, even free of charge, all or part of the Clients and the files accompanying it without Re:Dragonica's prior written authorization.

5.2.9 You agree not to create, use, or distribute any program not distributed by Re:Dragonica that may be used to modify the characteristics of your Account, or that of a third party, and that may damage the servers or be detrimental to the Company's interests.

5.2.10 You may not use the Games in any way that may render them inaccessible, damage them, or prevent them from working.

5.3 Rules of conduct / Prohibited activities

The provisions of this article do not supersede the rules of conduct specific to certain Games, available at the following links:

Where a conflict exists between this article and the specific rules, the specific rules shall take precedence and supersede the terms of this article.

By using the Services, in particular the communication services provided as part of the Games and the Launcher, you agree to abide by the following rules:

5.3.1 You agree not to insult or threaten other users or the Company's employees, or make remarks deemed to be racist, shocking, offensive, discriminatory, or contrary to French, European, or international laws, regardless of the language used. Re:Dragonica cannot be held responsible for any violation of this paragraph.

5.3.2 You further agree not to send "spam," "floods," or commercial offers of any kind to other users; cheat, steal Accounts, characters, or any Account item, or attempt to do so; threaten, harass, or bother other users by any means whatsoever; give other users personal information about yourself or about another user; or collect information in the Games.

5.3.3 You are prohibited from engaging in any form of advertising or commercial promotion. Re:Dragonica may nevertheless authorize, at its sole discretion, the dissemination of fan sites and other guild forums in connection with the Dragonica universe, provided that they do not contain illegal content or content that violates the ToU.

5.3.4 In the Games, each discussion channel has its own purpose. You agree to use the discussion channels in accordance with their intended purpose. Improper use of the discussion channels may be sanctioned, particularly if done in an abusive and deliberate manner.

5.3.5 Audiotel codes acquired on the Websites may not be sold or traded in the Games, on the Forums, or anywhere else.

5.3.7 Your written public communications may be recorded, analyzed, or deleted by Re:Dragonica so that it may verify whether your communications comply with the law and the ToU. You acknowledge that you, and not Re:Dragonica, are responsible for any in-game communications and content sent from your computer or mobile device, and that you must only use the Games pursuant to law and the ToU.

5.3.8 You agree not to use vulnerabilities, bugs, or any other type of error to obtain an unfair advantage in-game (including but not limited to gaining experience, gaining items, gaining time, circumventing restrictions, and duplicating items or cash), and not to promote the use thereof. Similarly, you agree to notify the Re:Dragonica team via Support immediately if you notice a vulnerability or error in the Games.

5.3.9 You are prohibited from participating in, organizing, or being involved in any attack against Re:Dragonica's servers.

5.3.10 In general, use of the Services must not violate national and international laws and regulations.

5.4 Game elements

All elements you can obtain in our Games, whether purchased by you or obtained by you following the use of our Games, including, but not limited to, game characters, all virtual items linked to your game character(s) (equipment, mounts, pets, companions, living items, scrolls, resources, etc.)  are associated with your Account. You acknowledge that the Game Elements are and remain the exclusive property of the Company. The provision of Game Elements by the Company is strictly personal and limited to the experience in the Games. The Company grants you only the right to use the Game Elements. It does not grant ownership, which you expressly acknowledge. Thus, this right of use will expire no later than upon the closing of your Account, whatever the reason.

You acknowledge that the Game Elements have no financial value in the real world. You are strictly prohibited from exchanging them for real money. In general, loaning, sharing, exchanging, gifting, purchasing, transferring, and selling Game Elements (or attempting to do so) outside of the Websites, the Games, and their rules, is strictly prohibited and may result in sanctions being applied to your Account.

Because the Games are constantly evolving and, in particular, in order to guarantee that the experience is as balanced as possible across players, Re:Dragonica reserves the right to modify or eliminate Game Elements.

5.5 Updates / Modifications

In order to improve the experience of the Games, Re:Dragonica reserves the right to apply updates and modifications to the Clients and the Games (hereinafter the "Updaters"). For these updates and modifications to be effective and for you to be able to continue playing the Games, you agree to install these Updaters. The Games, the Clients, and their updates constitute an indivisible whole and are inseparable from their components, all of which are subject to the ToU.

Article no. 6 : SANCTIONS

6.1 In the event of a violation of one or more provisions of the ToU or any other document incorporated by reference hereto, Re:Dragonica reserves the right to terminate or restrict, without prior notice and at its sole discretion, your use of and access to the Services, your Account, and any Re:Dragonica Websites, and to sanction you within the Games. Sanctions are specific to certain Services, notably the Games and the Forums. If there is a conflict with this article, the specific sanctions take precedence over the ToU.

6.2 The sanctions depend on the seriousness of the violation. These sanctions are as follows (non-exhaustive list):

  • Removal of the ability to speak ("mute"): You will be temporarily unable to use the in-game chat function.
  • Expulsion from the game ("kick"): You will be disconnected from the game and will be temporarily unable to access it.
  • Warning: A warning does not have direct consequences on the Account. You may continue to use the Services with no change. Above all, a warning is meant to let you know that you risk more severe sanctions if you continue to violate the rules of the ToU.
  • Temporary suspension: You will be unable to access your Account for several days. The duration depends on several criteria, namely the seriousness of the infraction committed and whether it is a repeat offense.
  • Permanent suspension: The Account is permanently banned; you can no longer access it. This sanction is usually applied in instances of a repeat offense, or a serious (for example, payment without the consent of the holder of the payment method used) or unpardonable violation of the ToU.

6.3 Re:Dragonica reserves the right to apply any sanction provided in the previous paragraph to an Account, depending on the seriousness of the violation, without the need to give a warning or apply a sanction of a shorter duration beforehand. 

6.4 Re:Dragonica further reserves the right to change account names, nicknames, character names, guild names, and team names that do not abide by the rules set forth above, as well as those deemed by Re:Dragonica to be inappropriate. If necessary, Re:Dragonica may temporarily or permanently suspend access to the Account or delete a guild or team name, with no compensation provided.

6.5 Re:Dragonica reserves the right to permanently suspend all of your Accounts, depending on the seriousness of the violation.

6.6 In addition to the sanctions described above, Re:Dragonica may impose whatever sanctions are necessary, including initiating civil and criminal proceedings against the violator.

6.7 If Re:Dragonica observes suspicious or unusual behavior or actions on your Account that could result in a violation of the ToU, Re:Dragonica reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to lock your Account for as much time is needed to conduct verifications or an investigation. Re:Dragonica alone shall decide whether to compensate you in the event that your Account is locked.

6.8 If you have acquired, directly or indirectly, Game Elements fraudulently (for example, using vulnerabilities, bots, cheating techniques, theft, or auto-click software, or on websites selling Game Elements without Re:Dragonica's approval), Re:Dragonica reserves the right to access your Account and delete all or some of the elements in your possession.

Similarly, Re:Dragonica reserves the right to change any of your characteristics (for example, your level, characteristic points, and spell points) if there is evidence that you exploited a vulnerability or any other technique allowing you to increase your characteristics fraudulently.

6.9 Unless otherwise set forth in the ToU or save the Company's consent to the contrary, no refund will be issued if the Account is suspended, if Cash are still available on the Account, or if you acquired virtual items.

6.10 Slandering, insulting, harassing, or threatening an Re:Dragonica staff member, representative, or moderator, or any other person associated or affiliated with Re:Dragonica or its partners or service providers, as well as harmful, violent, obscene, vulgar, hateful, or offensive remarks or behavior regarding such persons, or any violation of their privacy or their rights in any other way, may result in sanctions on your Account(s), regardless of the means of expression used.

Article no. 7 : SUPPORT

7.1 The Support website ( is the preferred means of access to the Company's customer support department (hereinafter the "Support") for the Services. To create a request on the Support website, you must create an assistance account by providing, in particular, a valid email address. Your request will be saved in the form of a ticket (identified by a 7-digit number).

7.2 The Support will do everything to assist you as soon as possible.  Nonetheless, Support reserves the right not to answer a request, in particular in the event of non-compliance with the rules of this Article.

7.3 Any harassment, threat, insult or other inadequate behavior with regard the Support advisers will lead to the processing being stopped and may give rise to sanctions in accordance with article 6.10.

7.4 Support provides assistance for problems having an impact on accessibility and/or the user-friendliness for the player but does not have the mission of answering problems linked to progress in the Games.

7.5 In the event of identity theft and/or falsification of documents and/or attempt of one or other of these infringements, Support reserves the right to sanction the Account(s) belonging to the fraudster.

7.6 If you suspect any breach of security, including loss, theft or unauthorized use of your IDs or any other problem related to the security of your Account, you will immediately notify Re:Dragonica via its Support team. Subject to proving your identity, Support may then reset your password or your 2fa, and offer solutions to improve the security of your Account. Support may also block access to the Account in question for the time needed to conduct an investigation. Following the investigation, Support will settle the dispute at its sole discretion.


8.1 Re:Dragonica will do everything possible to ensure the proper operation of its Services and provide you with the Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

8.2 However, in this regard, Re:Dragonica is only bound by an obligation of means as regards access to and use of Services. Re:Dragonica cannot guarantee that the functionalities offered by the Services will always be available and free of typographical, technical or other errors, that flaws will be corrected, or that the Services or servers hosting them will be free of viruses and bugs.

8.3 For reasons of maintenance, testing, security, repairs, or any other reason, linked to the improvement and/or proper operation of the Services, these Services may be temporarily interrupted by Re:Dragonica, without engaging its responsibility. Re:Dragonica will, at its sole discretion, decide whether or not to provide you with compensation in the event of interruptions in Services.

8.4 The Company shall not be held liable in the event of force majeure as defined by law.

8.5 Re:Dragonica provides the Services while they are published. Re:Dragonica therefore reserves the right to cease publishing the Services and consequently to interrupt Services definitively; in the event of this, you will be notified of this by all means. Re:Dragonica could also interrupt the Services definitively in the event of a cessation of activity.

8.6 Unless stipulated otherwise by the law or in special conditions agreed upon expressly between Re:Dragonica and you, you acknowledge and agree that:

  • The Services, Websites and their content are provided "as is" without any further warranties or any kind.
  • You assume the risk of any and all damage or loss from use of, or inability to use, the service. For minor users, the responsibility rests with their legal representatives.
  • Re:Dragonica shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions on your part.
  • Re:Dragonica shall not be obliged, for whatever reason, to reimburse you in any amount in the event of failure.

8.7 Similarly, the company shall not be held responsible for links from Web pages or other sites leading to the service, but not managed by Re:Dragonica, or any link contained on the Services leading to Web pages or other locations managed and published by others, where the third parties managing and editing the content do not comply with French, European or international regulations.

8.8 Some countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability. Therefore, the limitations or exclusions cited may not apply to you.


Article no. 9 : TERMINATION

9.1 This Agreement shall enter into force on the day of your acceptance, and remain in force through to its conclusion, unless either you or Re:Dragonica terminate it before such time.

9.2 Termination at Your Initiative: You can request that your Account be closed at any time and for no reason, subject to proving your identity. Subject to compliance with the aforementioned termination procedure, the termination of your Account shall be effective within a reasonable period after receipt of your request by Support.

9.3 Termination at Re:Dragonica's Initiative:

Termination for misconduct: Re:Dragonica may close your Account, with or without prior notice, if you do not comply with the law and the rules set forth by the TOU.
Re:Dragonica also reserves the right to take all necessary measures to cover any damage it may have suffered.

Termination for inactivity: Re:Dragonica also reserves the right, of its own accord and at any time, to close inactive Accounts. Accounts are considered inactive when they have not been logged into via one of our Websites or Games for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months. At least fifteen (15) days before closing your Account, we will warn you by sending you a message to the email address associated with your Account.

9.4 Consequences of Termination, Irrespective of the Party Initiating such Termination: In all cases, closing the Account will give rise to the termination ipso jure of the Agreement and, consequently, you may no longer access the Services. You must delete the Client(s) from your computer.  In the aforementioned cases of termination, you may not claim any compensation for unused In-game cash or virtual items, as well as any non-expired periods on the date of termination and the rights of use over the Game Elements granted to you by Article 5.4 herein will expire.

Article no. 10 : EPILEPSY

Some individuals may suffer epileptic seizures when exposed to particular forms of light or flashing lights. Exposure to such forms or such images on a television, or from playing video games, may induce epileptic seizures in such individuals. Any person who suffers from epilepsy must consult a doctor before playing. If you experience dizziness, impaired vision, muscular or visual spasms, loss of consciousness, disorientation, involuntary movements, or convulsions whilst playing, stop playing immediately and consult your doctor.


11.1 Severability: Where any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, such term or condition shall be removed herefrom, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

11.2 No waiver: Any failure by Re:Dragonica to enforce any right or provision of the ToU shall not be deemed or construed as a waiver of such right or provision. Any Re:Dragonica Support representatives or Re:Dragonica staff members in contact with you are not legally authorized to bind Re:Dragonica to any amendment or waiver of the provisions of the ToU.

11.3 Entire agreement: The ToU, and any other documents expressly incorporated herewith by reference, constitute the entire agreement entered into by you and the Company with respect to the Services and take precedence over any prior or existing communications, whether electronic, verbal, or written, between you and the Company with respect to the Services; it is understood, however, that the Agreement will co-exist with, and will not supersede, the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use specific to a Game or Forum, and the Terms and Conditions of Sale.

11.4 Amendments: Re:Dragonica reserves the right to amend, add, or delete certain rules set forth in the ToU. You will be notified by all means possible of any substantial amendments to the Agreement when you try to access one of our Services. You acknowledge that by using the Services after being notified of the amendments, additions, and/or deletions, you agree to these amendments, additions, and/or deletions.

11.5 Governing law: The ToU are subject to French law and the French language.

11.6 Survival of terms: In the event that the ToU are terminated, Articles 3.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 8, and 7 shall continue in force and effect.


Last updated: July 2022